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2024-12-22 18:35pm
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발간년도 : [2023]

논문명(한글) [Vol.18, No.6] Design of a Damage Detection Monitoring System Using Direction Information of Wall Sensor Nodes
논문투고자 Byoung-Chan Jeon, In-Sik Hong
논문내용 As with the recent earthquake in Turkiye, there is a lot of concern about earthquakes around theworld. Korea is also on the rise in the frequency of earthquakes and is not an earthquake-safe country.Therefore, the importance of systems that monitor seismic design, damage, and internal cracks ofbuildings is increasing. Damage to the inner wall of a facility due to external factors such asearthquakes can be visually confirmed, but it is difficult to diagnose damage because it includes invisibleinner wall or wall damage. One of the methods that can be monitored quickly when a building collapsesdue to a disaster or disaster is to use a smart sheet for damage detection. Damage to the structure of abuilding can be caused by various factors such as natural disasters, aging, or poor construction practices,which can lead to loss of life or property in the event of a building collapse. In addition, existingmonitoring systems have limitations in detecting structural damage in the early stages, rely on sensorsinstalled at specific locations, and can only detect damage in the area.Therefore, it may not be detecteduntil damage to other parts of the building has progressed. In order to solve this problem, it is possibleto collect and respond to the state information of the building in real time by using a sensor attached tothe wall of the building and a crack detection tape to detect damage caused by natural disasters orstructural defects of the building. It can also detect changes in the orientation of building walls or otherphysical parameters that may indicate damage, and provides accurate information to sensor nodes todetect damage in any part of the building. In this paper, we propose a damage detection monitoringsystem using the direction information of the wall sensor node to overcome these limitations.
   18-6-39.pdf (5.0M) [8] DATE : 2024-01-03 08:35:59