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발간년도 : [2023]

논문명(한글) [Vol.18, No.3] Elementary School 3D Modeling Curriculum Design
논문투고자 Yeong-Hwi Ahn, Dong-Hyun Kim
논문내용 It is no exaggeration to say that most industries are affected by computing due to the recent rapid development of IT technology. Various occupations are creating new value by combining software. Software-related education is highly evaluated domestically and internationally, and software education is being strengthened through various courses at the national level. Computational thinking, in particular, is a very important ability that anyone should have regardless of major, and can be said to be a future competency. However, most trainees are experiencing difficulties in learning software, and in the field of education on the front line, concerns about class design and application of software education continue. In this paper, we propose an educational model related to 3D modeling for elementary school students to create new values by realizing what they have imagined. Based on the proposed model, it can be used in the metaverse space. As a result of applying the proposed model, 84.3% of education satisfaction was derived. Based on this, it is expected that by broadly understanding the pros and cons of 3D education programs, it will be possible to seek ways to improve programs implemented in elementary educational institutions. In future research, it is necessary to break away from the frame using the current professional tools and conduct research in connection with the metaverse and augmented/virtual reality.
   18-3-21.pdf (851.5K) [13] DATE : 2023-07-02 12:31:40