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발간년도 : [2021]

논문명(한글) [Vol.16, No.6] Control System Identification Considering Design Specification
논문투고자 Houng-Kun Joung, Dong-Kyun Lim
논문내용 The purpose of this study was to present a PID controller design that achieves high stability and robustness while satisfying a design specification(overshoot) required in the control system identification task under condition of time delay. In the control system identification task, Yunwana-Seborg's control system identification tuning method and Zigler-Nichols' method ensure high performance and stability when they are applied to a system with short time delay since they have less error between time delay of estimated transfer function and real one. However, they are not applicable to system with high time delay since, when they are applied to such system, they have bigger error between time delay of estimated transfer function derived by Pade’1’st approximation method and real one. Zigler-Nichols loop tuning method, which has been applied in many parts of the industry, undergoes control parameter tuning through many trial and error, therefore takes longer time compared to other controller design methods. The control parameter tuning method using the process response curve proposed by Cohen-Coon has the advantage of less tuning time compared to the loop tuning method, however is applicable only to open loop system but not to close loop system. The method proposed by Suh, which modified Yunwana-Seborg's control system identification tuning method, to overcome the shortcomings of the close loop system and method using the processor response curve, presented the control parameter tuning to reduce the error between time delay of estimated transfer function derived by Pade’1’st approximation method and real one. This method was derived by setting a phase regulator proportional to the delay constant value at the time delay and ensured satisfactory stability and performance, but was not analytic. The PID controller design proposed in this paper ensures a performance and stability by overcoming the error between time delay of estimated transfer function and real one occurring at actual plant and determining the phase regulator in the initial design stage through considering a design specification(overshoot) required by control system.
   16-6-13.pdf (1.1M) [7] DATE : 2021-12-31 10:26:43