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발간년도 : [2021]

논문명(한글) [Vol.16, No.6] An Implementation of IoT-based Application Service for Smart Healthcare Systems
논문투고자 Yong Ju Lee
논문내용 One of the major technologies in the 4th industrial revolution is IoT. Among many IoT-based services, products that provide health-related services are being developed. For the management of members who use the gym, it is necessary to store the exercise information of many members, to understand the member status through this, and to establish and manage a new plan. To this solution, there is an increasing demand for an automated system that automatically collects and analyzes exercise information to gym users and managers and informs them of the status. To solve this problem, in this paper we are going to implement a smart health care application service platform that combines IoT using Arduino sensors, databases, and applications. Weight and repetition data, which are basic data, are used, and exercise data is expressed in a graph manner in consideration of user convenience. To measure the exercise weight, the Arduino ultrasonic sensor installed on the weight calculates the distance to the floor and calculates how many weights to exercise. The number of workouts is measured by increasing the number of workouts by using the change in distance sensed during the workout to increase the number of workouts once more than a certain distance away from the floor. In the future, it is possible to develop into a high-quality smart health care system using biometric data.
   16-6-11.pdf (1.5M) [14] DATE : 2021-12-31 10:25:15