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발간년도 : [2021]

논문명(한글) [Vol.16, No.6] The Effect of Subjective Well-being and Job Choice Motivation on Job Change Preparation of College Graduate New Employee in ICT Field: Focusing on the Mediating Effect of Job Satisfaction
논문투고자 Young-Ki Kim
논문내용 This study was conducted to analyze whether the subjective well-being and job choice motives of college graduate new employee in the ICT field affect job satisfaction as a mediator on whether or not they are ready to change jobs. For this purpose, data of 819 people working in information and communication R&D and engineering technology positions among GOMS 2018 data of the Korea Employment Information Service were used for path analysis using a structural equation model. The research results are as follows. First, subjective well-being, whether positive or negative, did not directly affect to change jobs, nor did it have an indirect effect through job satisfaction mediated by motivational factors. However, it was found that only the complete double mediation, which affects job satisfaction by motivating factors, after affecting job satisfaction by hygiene factors, affects job change readiness. Second, it was found that the desire for livelihood did not directly affect the readiness to change jobs, nor did it have an indirect effect through job satisfaction due to hygiene factors. However, it was found that only indirect effects mediated by job satisfaction by motivating factors were found. This means that the need for livelihood affects job readiness only through the complete mediation of job satisfaction by motivating factors. In addition, growth desire was found to have a positive and direct effect on the readiness to change jobs. In addition, it was found that there were indirect effects mediated by job satisfaction by hygiene factors and job satisfaction by motivating factors. This means that growth desire affects job readiness through partial mediation of job satisfaction by hygiene and motivating factors.
   16-6-08.pdf (560.9K) [4] DATE : 2021-12-31 10:23:03