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발간년도 : [2021]

논문명(한글) [Vol.16, No.6] The Comparative Study on Freshmen’s Perception and Satisfaction of Non-face-to-face Classes
논문투고자 Kee-Tae Park, Song-Suk Oh, Hyun-Yong Jung
논문내용 This paper puts an in-depth study on the status, satisfaction, and perception of non-face-to-face lectures provided by the university for 1,973 first-year students at two-year and four-year universities from the first semester of 2020 to the second semester of 2021 and aims to provide primary data for discovering problems of non-face-to-face online education and improving it. The COVID-19 pandemic has forced virtually all universities to switch to non-face-to-face online lectures in various ways in the first semester of 2020, and two-year and four-year universities used Lecture Management System (LMS) themost. The non-face-to-face lectures that the freshmen were most satisfied with were lectures using the LMS, but the most unsatisfactory non-face-to-face lectures consisted of simple data uploading and assignment submission-type lectures. About 50% of first-year students were not sure about realizing the full potential of non-face-to-face lectures in the first semester of 2020, but about 50% of first-year students at two-year universities and about 30% of new students at four-year universities in the first semester of 2021 responded that those lectures are similar to face-to-face classes. The transition in the satisfaction and perception of non-face-to-face lectures among first-year college students has been more significant as the time has flown since the first semester of 2020. The satisfaction and perception of first-year students at four-year universities were higher than those of two-year colleges. This result suggests that universities need to expand the infrastructure to implement blended online learning and apply a proper teaching method for non-face-to-face lectures to ensure the right for students by enhancing content that is similar to face-to-face lectures.
   16-6-05.pdf (594.1K) [5] DATE : 2022-01-03 15:26:59