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발간년도 : [2021]

논문명(한글) [Vol.16, No.6] A Research on 2D Graphic Engine Encapsulation Using TypeScript
논문투고자 Wen-Yuan Hao, Jae-Woong Kim, Yi-Geun Chae
논문내용 With the development of computer technology and Internet technology, people's dependence on the Internet is increasing, and the demand for web application interactive and usability is also increasing. Users expect more diverse and unique interactive methods. Therefore, Canvas was introduced among HTML5 promoted by W3C in order to attract a 2D figure-based direct control method to web applications. Applications developed using Canvas can more easily understand and intuitively control shapes so that users can directly control them, providing new user experiences, but they have to face other problems. One is complicated and the amount of code increases because figure drawing must be performed in a low-level procedural drawing language. Second, since the event response structure is missing at the Canvas figure object level, the interactive event processing process must be implemented separately. Therefore, it greatly increases the difficulty of development work and adversely affects efficient work. In this study, to solve the problem, a graphic engine called Fudge was presented. Fudge encapsulates these functions based on the figure drawing API provided by Canvas and makes it easier for developers to place figure objects. In addition, the relationship between each figure object may be more clarified and a figure object event response may be easily implemented. Accordingly, the development difficulty may be reduced and the development may be low-coupled. Through the existing Canvas API encapsulation, Fudge provides Retained-mode APIs to developers to perform their tasks at a rapid pace. It also uses TypeScript instead of JavaScript to develop and maintain stably, and greatly increases productivity by increasing readability through explicit coding techniques.
   16-6-04.pdf (870.0K) [3] DATE : 2021-12-31 10:19:59