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발간년도 : [2021]

논문명(한글) [Vol.16, No.6] Performance of NVMe and NVMe-over-Fabrics in NUMA System with High-Performance Network
논문투고자 Se-young Yu
논문내용 To find a common bottleneck in Data Transfer Nodes using modern NUMA systems, we need to investigate many components in the system. Even efficient modern data transfer systems suffer from performance degradation when used in high-speed data transfer because of the large amount of process load on the system, especially on the CPU and the storage devices. Many efficient storage systems provide a particular benefit in a specific situation. However, there is no comprehensive study of these protocols. There are proposed techniques to optimize CPU load on data transfer and configure storage systems, such as using different CPU core affinity bindings in their Non-Uniform Memory Access (NUMA) system NVMe-over-Fabrics to avoid CPU bottleneck in high-speed data transfer. Such techniques limit the user processes to specific NUMA nodes to reduce foreign memory access overhead. However, this results from a smaller number of available CPU cores in the NUMA system, which is counter-intuitive to run a large workload accessing multiple storage devices. To evaluate the performance of local file systems in high-speed data transfer and CPU affinity binding in a high-speed data transfer system, we performed an analysis of storage and CPU affinity binding in a 100 Gbps network. We achieved the maximum SSD performance threshold using 32 transfer processes with traditional file transfer while using one process per NVMe with NVMe-over-Fabrics and reduced CPU utilization. We could not find significant evidence that binding processes to the local processor or cores improve the file transfer performance with NVMe-over-Fabrics.
   16-6-02.pdf (946.4K) [4] DATE : 2021-12-31 10:18:24