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발간년도 : [2024]

논문명(한글) [Vol.19, No.1] A Study on the Significance Among Basic Psychological Needs, Job Crafting, and Innovative Behavior of MZ
논문투고자 Hong-Gil Ha
논문내용 The acronym, VUCA stands for Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous. Under this management environments, It is no doubt that employees are the main force for the organization, and their innovative behavior(IB) is vital for the survivor of an organization. This study was to investigate the underling psychological mechanism of employee’ IB. More specifically, Based on Self-Determination Theory, This research was conducted to verify whether satisfaction of employees’ Basic Psychological Needs(BPNs) with Job Crafting(JC) as a mediator would contribute to IB. The survey was conducted on employees of the representive public and private sector in Korea. And all of scales were validated and had appropriate level of reliability resulted from exploratory factor analysis, reliability test, validity analysis and confirmatory factor analysis. These data were analysed by Regression analysis and t, F and Structural Equation Model(SEM) test. The findings of this study are as follows: The hypothesis 1, the stronger the employee’s BPNs, the more they purse IB, was not established as the research model because the estimate value of standardized coefficient was β=-1.40, p>.05. But the rest hypothesis 2, 3 were accepted as follows, β=0.54, 0.80 respectively. The hypothesis 4, JC does mediate fully between BPNs and IB, was also adopted(β=0.43). In conclusion, The study could find its meaning, which has been empirically proved that JC is vital to foster employee’s IB.
   19-1-17.pdf (532.6K) [7] DATE : 2024-02-29 14:22:05