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발간년도 : [2024]

논문명(한글) [Vol.19, No.1] A Study on Improvement of Educational Effects by Differentiated Learning in Program of ‘Digital Saessak’
논문투고자 Won Kim
논문내용 ‘Digital Saessak’ program is run as a special education camp and the programs of camps are comprised of educational content to make the students experience robots, artificial intelligence, big data, and software to make them ready for the fourth industrial revolution. Generally, educational programs are configured by considering the periods as short-term, mid-term, and long-term and simultaneously by the educational candidates as students in elementary schools, middle schools, and high schools when the programs are designed initially. This research is based on the idea that the abilities and levels in the software field may vary among the students in the same school and is motivated to show the effectiveness of the education program designed by configuring the scheme based on the differentiated learning program. Specifically, the method in this research is proposed to design the differentiated learning program by considering the software abilities of the education candidates and by configuring the educational subjects such as computational thinking, artificial intelligence, and problem-solving ability. In the view of educational satisfaction the proposed method is evaluated better than the enumerated educational program in the evaluation fields such as educational satisfaction, learning interest, and digital information ability and shows a relatively remarkable evaluation result with 8.9% improvement in the evaluation field of self-confidence in software.
   19-1-12.pdf (500.7K) [5] DATE : 2024-02-29 14:17:19