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발간년도 : [2024]

논문명(한글) [Vol.19, No.1] Open Performance Analysis of Domestic Government Data Platform and Case Study on the Evaluation Model
논문투고자 Jong-Yun Kim, Se-Hwan Park
논문내용 This study explains the progress of the public data platform promotion and the results of open government data shown in the basic plan of domestic public data(1st 2014~4th 2025). In addition, the current status of open government data is analyzed based on the issue of promoting the 4th National Key Data Open Plan, the issue of improving the management system, and the issue of activating its use, which are being promoted as pending issues. Finally, in order to ensure public safety and personal privacy, we present an empirical research case in which an evaluation model was built in four pilot areas<Data/Platform/Outcome/Citizen) through the big data-based OGDP(Open Government Data Platform) in four regions of China. Data openness through the establishment of data platforms by public institutions is creating various values in economic, social, and administrative aspects. In the future, advanced research is needed to provide high-value-added services from the perspective of information users(public data consumers such as companies and the private sector) on various data provision issues. In addition, in order to more effectively revitalize the data industry(business), it is necessary to i) provide policy support for fostering data experts, and ii) support for data expert matching services and continuous training to improve data skills for incumbents. Through this, it is necessary to focus on expanding the data technology market and laying the foundation for preemption in the global market.
   19-1-10.pdf (481.0K) [2] DATE : 2024-02-29 14:15:41