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발간년도 : [2024]

논문명(한글) [Vol.19, No.1] Subjective Evaluation of Fatigue by Simultaneous Stimulation of High Concentration Oxygen and Aroma
논문투고자 Geun-Ae Park, Eun Heo, Soo-Chan Kim, Byung-Chan Min
논문내용 This study aims to determine how the simultaneous stimulation of high concentration oxygen and aroma affects fatigue.Fatigue was induced using the U-K test for 30 adult men, and the stimulation of oxygen concentration(21%, 30%) and that of lavender and peppermint aroma were presented. As a result, significant differences were recognized in both the main effect and the interaction effect in reducing fatigue(p<0.05). The post hoc test results on the main effect of oxygen condition showed that the fatigue score decreased in the 21% oxygen condition compared to the 30% oxygen condition(p<0.01). As a result of the post hoc test on the main effect of aroma condition, a significant difference was recognized when the lavender aroma was presented(p<0.01). As a result of the post hoc test on the interaction effect, when the lavender aroma was presented, the fatigue score increased under 30% oxygen condition compared to 21%, and there was a statistically significant difference(p<0.01). The results of this study showed that mental fatigue was more effectively reduced by simultaneously presenting the oxygen concentration and the appropriate lavender aroma and peppermint aroma which are effective in reducing fatigue.As a future applied study, it is thought that the effect of reducing fatigue is great by presenting aroma as well as high concentration oxygen stimulation simultaneously in reducing human fatigue and to the oxygen rooms.
   19-1-08.pdf (620.6K) [6] DATE : 2024-02-29 14:14:05