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2025-01-14 20:09pm
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발간년도 : [2024]

논문명(한글) [Vol.19, No.1] What are the Determinants the Intention of Older Adults to Participate in Digital Transformation Education Program?
논문투고자 Hong-Jae Lee, Mi-Kyung Park, Su-Young Han
논문내용 The purposes of present study are to analyze the structural relationship between digital self-efficacy and perceived usefulness and perceived risk to digital transformation and intention of older adults to participate in digital transformation education program. We used the raw data of the 2022 Survey on the Digital Divide conducted by the National Information Society Agency on 2,300 elderly people aged 55 and over. We analyzed these data by applying descriptive statistics and structural equation model analysis. The results showed that digital self-efficacy and perceived usefulness of digital transformation of older adults were low, and their intention to participate in digital transformation education program was also low. As a result of hypothesis testing using structural equation analysis, it was analyzed that the digital self-efficacy of older adults had a positive (+) effect on the perceived usefulness. The results, however, indicated that the digital self-efficacy of older adults had a positive (+) effect on the perceived risk of digital transformation, which is different from our hypothesis. In addition, older adults’ digital self-efficacy and the perceived usefulness and risk of digital transformation had a positive (+) effects on their intention to participate in digital education program. Based on these results, this study presented theoretical implications for the older adults' participation in digital transformation education program, as well as policy implications for improving and digital self-efficacy of the elderly and facilitating the participation in digital transformation education program.
   19-1-07.pdf (621.4K) [5] DATE : 2024-02-29 14:13:14