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발간년도 : [2023]

논문명(한글) [Vol.18, No.6] The Impact of Self-Expression on Quality of Life and Intention to Continue Using Instagram : Focusing on Changes in Offline Interpersonal Relationships
논문투고자 Ji-Soo Seo, Ye-Won Cho, Yu-Ri Jeong, Young-Jin Choi
논문내용 This study investigated whether SNS use affects interpersonal relationship changes. In particular, wesampled users of Instagram, which provides an image-centered service that allows users to share theirdaily lives more intuitively than existing text-based SNSs. We examined whether self-expression onInstagram influences interpersonal relationship changes and whether these online relationship changesaffect users' offline interpersonal relationships and life satisfaction. After collecting a sample of 190Instagram users, we analyzed the causal effect using SPSS 22.0 and the mediating effect using Sobel'smethod. The results showed that self-expression through Instagram influences interpersonal changes,which in turn mediates the improvement of users' life satisfaction and their intention to continue usingit. This supported the findings of existing text-based SNS, and the improvement in quality of life wasalso significant, which can be interpreted as an increase in life satisfaction by sharing one's daily lifewith others more intuitively and looking back on one's past, although it requires more time than existingtext SNS because it requires additional activities such as taking and editing photos of the user's dailylife. However, Instagram users are mostly in their 20s and 30s, and the sample of this study is alsocomposed of 20s and 30s, so there are limitations to generalization. However, we believe that it isnecessary to study the difference between text-based and image-based SNS users in the future.
   18-6-40.pdf (553.0K) [40] DATE : 2024-01-03 08:37:27