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발간년도 : [2024]

논문명(한글) [Vol.19, No.1] Development of Public Service Platform for Urban Flooding
논문투고자 Young-Han Yun, Hoon Choi
논문내용 This paper presents the design and implementation of a novel public service platform to address and mitigate the pressing challenges of urban flooding. The platform incorporates a suite of innovative systems, including a real-time predictive mechanism for urban flooding, an advanced CCTV system equipped with flood detection capability, and a real-time traffic information service system. These components work cohesively to assist the urban flood managers, providing them with real-time data and insights to aid in effective flood management. In addition, the platform extends its services to the public by offering real-time information on available shelters and emergency rooms, crucial during emergencies. The central objective of this public service platform is to significantly minimize the risks and damages caused by urban flooding, placing a strong emphasis on ensuring the safety and protection of individuals and their properties. By allowing residents and urban flood managers access to a wide variety of services and relevant information, the platform enables them to respond to flood situations effectively and promptly. It serves as a valuable tool for decision-making, underpinning the real-time provision of public services, and plays an instrumental role in promoting preventative measures against flooding in urban areas.
   19-1-11.pdf (764.0K) [2] DATE : 2024-02-29 14:16:36