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발간년도 : [2024]

논문명(한글) [Vol.19, No.1] A Study of an Intelligent SMK Matching Platform Based on Bigdata for International Students
논문투고자 Jin-Il Kim
논문내용 Recently, the number of international students has been increasing due to the influence of the Korean Wave. International students are changing from researching career options after studying to preferring entrepreneurship. On the other hand,  the importance of technology-based start-ups is emerging around the world. These technology-based startups not only create various types of innovative companies using excellent technology, but are also shown to have a higher job creation effect than large corporations. However, despite the active development of technology-based startups, the technology transfer and commercialization performance of technologies developed by universities and public research institutes is not achieving visible results. The reasons were found to be difficulties in finding companies in demand (22.4%), lack of technology with high business feasibility and value (17.8%), and lack of human resources in institutions for technology transfer and commercialization activities (14.9%). Therefore, it is time to build a platform to organically connect them as a way to solve the demand of overseas students who want to start a technology startup and the obstacles to technology transfer and commercialization activities of technology held by universities and public research institutes. In this study, we design a big data-based intelligent SMK(Sales Material Kit) Matching Platform for overseas students who want to start a technology business using domestic public technology. The proposed platform consists of management of promising technology start-up items, technology matching management, public technology information management, user management, and operation management.
   19-1-09.pdf (648.4K) [8] DATE : 2024-02-29 14:14:57