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발간년도 : [2024]

논문명(한글) [Vol.19, No.1] A Study on Analysis of Fire Factors Affecting Property Damage on Vehicle Fires
논문투고자 Weonil Jeong
논문내용 Over the past 10 years, the number of vehicle fires has been decreasing by an average of 14% per year, but property damage is increasing by 14%, and human casualties are increasing by 15.8% for deaths and 6.8% for injuries. Accordingly, in order to minimize property damage or human casualties caused by vehicle fires, vehicle fire risk researches have been conducted on specific types of vehicles, occurrence locations, and ignition factors in accordance with the need for analysis of the factors of vehicle fires. However, previous researches have derived limited vehicle fire analysis results regarding specific factors, showing limitations in analyzing various vehicle fire factors. This paper analyzed the causes and influencing factors of various vehicle fires, focusing on property damage, by applying big data analysis techniques to vehicle fire data from the National Fire Data System. To this end, in the experiment, factors for fire factor analysis of property damage were selected through correlation and significance probability analysis, and the importance of fire factors affecting property damage in vehicle fires was derived using the random forest algorithm. In the experimental results, fire factors that affect property damage are dispatch time(13.4%), fire station distance(13.1%), fire suppression time(12.7%), 119 safety center distance(12.4%), and participation personnel(11.6%) were analyzed in the following order. Through consideration of these analysis results, it was suggested that in order to minimize damage caused by vehicle fires, institutional improvement measures such as improving accessibility to fire sites, organizing appropriate firefighting forces for fire suppression, and providing fire extinguishing equipment are necessary.
   19-1-06.pdf (579.6K) [3] DATE : 2024-02-29 14:12:22