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2025-01-03 09:23am
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발간년도 : [2024]

논문명(한글) [Vol.19, No.1] Research on No-Code Platforms
논문투고자 Min-Su Kim, Hyokyung Chang
논문내용 Digital transformation is urged in modern society, and No-Code platforms are drawing attention. No-Code is an approach that easily designs and uses applications even if there is a lack of knowledge about programming languages or coding. No-Code has an easy development approach that works in a cloud environment, and constructs applications using visual interfaces and drag-and-drop methods, away from text coding formats written by existing developers themselves. Many No-Code platforms have been created due to the advantage of fast coding, and the need to improve service scalability and user UI inside the platform has been raised. As a result of analyzing the existing No-Code platforms, various strengths and weaknesses were found, and among them, it seemed that it was a great difficulty to learn the interface of the platform due to its dependence on the No-Code platform. All No-Code platforms were well guided and explained, but there was no separate paper textbook, and it was difficult to learn how to use it by relying on the internal explanation of the platform. In terms of cost, there was also a No-Code platform that was completely free, but there was also a No-Code platform that required essential expenses to use artificial intelligence and internal interface functions. There was also a platform for communication in writing, but the platform that designed and handled various functions such as website production seemed to require background knowledge in the field as well as understanding the interface. No-Code platforms design interfaces simply and clearly from the user's point of view, and design security through user testing is seen as necessary. It is considered important for No-Code users to select and use a No-Code platform that fits their use and background knowledge.
   19-1-03.pdf (1.6M) [9] DATE : 2024-02-29 14:09:27