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발간년도 : [2023]

논문명(한글) [Vol.18, No.6] Early Childhood Teacher Awareness and Future Education Direction for No Kids Zone
논문투고자 Bo-Yeon Kim, Ji-Young Choi
논문내용 The purpose of this study is to find out the perception of early childhood teachers about the no-kidszone. According to the results of the study, more than 70% of the respondents said that early childhoodteachers had experienced the no-kids zone, understood the restriction of children's access to the no-kidszone, and that restrictions were needed to some extent. Teachers recognized that cause of the no-kidszone spread is that adults have a lack of awareness of self-serving bias,a developmental characteristic ofinfants. In addition, early childhood teachers responded the most to the fundamental reason for theselection of no-kids zones because they did not properly take care of their children, and the awarenessof early childhood teachers that the parenting stress of the parents was also seen as the cause ofneglect of infants in public places. Above all, it was found that through the development of variouscurriculums and parental education through the connection between early childhood education institutionsand families, efforts should be made to develop to develop qualities as democratic citizens as well asetiquette education for public places by providing an environment for children to grow up with rightsand respect as future members. In the current rapidly changing society, many social, many socialproblems such as the no-kids zone will emerge, and it can be said that these social problems should besolved in line with policies that value child rights and respect.
   18-6-33.pdf (677.9K) [8] DATE : 2024-01-03 08:29:30