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발간년도 : [2018]

논문명(한글) [Vol.13, No.6] A Study on the Activation of SW Security Test through Crowdsourcing
논문투고자 Ji-Eun Choi, Yu-Jin Jeon, Hwansoo Lee
논문내용 Continuous cyber threats are on the rise for critical information from public institutions and private companies. However, the attacks by hackers are not predictable and continue to evolve, and  there is a limitation in current security test methods to develop a reliable information system because of time and cost issues. As a new way to strengthen information system security, this study suggests a security test method with utilizing crowd SW testing technique, which is attracting attention as a new software testing methodology. Crowd SW security testing has the advantage of detecting the fault and strengthening security verification on various systems through a large number of people’s participation. It can also be a solution to the time and cost problems posed by existing security testing. Utilizing the method in security test contribute to the improvement of information systems’ reliability and quality through checking security vulnerabilities. In order to activate the cloud SW security test, it is necessary to apply the security test for each stage of development and to test public and leakage organizations. If crowd SW security testers are fostered at the national level, it will contribute to strengthening SW security and solving the manpower shortage problem of SW testing industry.
   13-6-03.pdf (598.0K) [8] DATE : 2019-01-07 09:35:57