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발간년도 : [2018]

논문명(한글) [Vol.13, No.5] A Virtual Reality based Education System for General Lathe
논문투고자 Won-Hyeong Park, In-Hee Song, Sang-Youn Kim
논문내용 One of the advantages in virtual reality (VR) is that it can provide indirect experience to users without the space and the time limitations. Furthermore, the VR allows users to avoid every dangerous situations in a various environment, so the VR is a best method to practice manufacturing devices, which can be occurred in dangerous conditions. Therefore, this paper proposes a VR based education system for a general lathe. The proposed system is composed of an head mounted display, controllers, a foot tracker, and a PC. The virtual environment was designed using Unity 3D. A user can study the general lathe with two modes, a study mode and a practice mode. A user can get the information of the general lathe’s each part and a basic to use the general lathe. In the practice mode, a user can select a material and a blueprint, and can control a spindle speed, a handle, and a break paddle by gestures. Furthermore, we recorded real sounds according to the materials and spindle speeds to enhance the experience of users. Finally, user tests are conducted with working-level workers and non-working-level workers, and compared the proposed system and a previously developed VR based general lathe education system. The results show that the proposed system is suitable for teaching educatee.
   13-5-10.pdf (2.4M) [11] DATE : 2018-11-03 14:58:45