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발간년도 : [2018]

논문명(한글) [Vol.13, No.5] Fruit Classification System Using Deep Learning
논문투고자 Soo-Ho Jeong, Meong-hun Lee, Hyun Yoe
논문내용 Deep learning technology among artificial intelligence technologies has shown good results in image recognition field. In this paper, we use a learning model that is based on a Tensorflow based model that utilizes this deep learning technique and that has been repaired by Inception-v3 model. Based on the characteristics of the fruit, we construct a fruit classification system that classifies into four categories : Healthy apple, Damaged apple, Diseased apple and Discolored apple. To do this, we designed a learning model in which the number of learning iterations was 500 times based on 1,280 apple image data of four kinds and conducted a model evaluation experiment based on the fruit image data taken by the user. Experiments were based on images taken in three directions for accurate model evaluation. Experimental results show that the accuracy of the learning model is more than 90%. However, since fruit showed different classification results according to direction, it suggested the necessity of classification algorithm according to image direction in the future. If such a deep learning based fruit classification system is applied to farmers, fruit quality classifiers due to farm labor shortage are essential, and it will be possible to construct a fruit quality screening system with high accuracy and low cost.
   13-5-09.pdf (978.2K) [29] DATE : 2018-11-03 14:57:59