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발간년도 : [2019]

논문명(한글) [Vol.14, No.1] A Study on Intention Analysis of IPTV Users
논문투고자 Jae-Hyeon An
논문내용 IPTV provides real-time multichannel broadcasting services as well as Internet-based VOD services and interactive services. Through these services, consumers will be more satisfied and have a greater ripple effect across the broadcasting and communication industries. However, Various services for generating revenue are not provided. In particular, there is a lack of empirical research on consumers using IPTV. The revenue generation and activation of IPTV services must be systematically managed and evaluated. In this study, we will analyze the factors that influence the use of IPTV by consumers based on its characteristics, interactivity, and content diversity. Research has shown that satisfaction with using content (benefit and convenience) has positive effects in order of content loyalty, ease of use, and visual composition. Content loyalty has emerged as an important factor in user satisfaction, according to the study. Analysis of the relationship between perceptual and empirical factors of IPTV indicated that the perceptual factors that positively affect the empirical factors of pleasure were content loyalty, ease of use, and visual composition. The results showed that content loyalty was as expected to enable users to experience the pleasure of using IPTV. In addition, the analysis using empirical factors (intrusive) as a dependent variable showed significant results only in content loyalty and ease of use. Therefore, IPTV users can experience a variety of new information and excitement and immersion when it is convenient to use IPTV. What we see from these results is that it is important to manage the content provided by the service provider in order to improve the satisfaction of IPTV. In addition, carriers that provide IPTV must provide a variety of special services.
   14-1-04.pdf (494.0K) [13] DATE : 2019-03-08 16:27:11