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발간년도 : [2019]

논문명(한글) [Vol.14, No.1] Electromagnetic Bio-cell Solenoid System with Cellular Proliferation
논문투고자 Yoon-Cheol Hwang
논문내용 Currently, IT technology is used to convert magnetic energy into electric energy or Researches using magnetic energy such as storing the magnetic energy by flowing a current to a superconducting magnet having an electric resistance of 0 are being actively carried out. Particularly in the medical field, magnetic energy is used to cultivate cells in a biocell for the purpose of cancer treatment. However, it takes a lot of time and cost to cultivate cells in a bio cell. In this paper, we propose a self - biosensor solenoid system that can save time and cost by optimizing the effect of magnetic energy on the biocell and After designing the magnetic field administration environment, the performance is analyzed using FEMM. HER cells for cervical cancer, AGS for stomach cancer, and HEK293 cells for protein overexpression were used for the experiments, and the results of the cell growth rates of the magnetic energy for each bio cell were shown.As a result, Hera cells and HEK293 cells showed the highest growth rates at 40G. Through this analysis, the proposed self-biocell solenoid system can monitor the growth process of the biocell And the time required for culturing is shortened. The proposed magnetic biosensor solenoid system can be used to estimate the amount of magnetic energy to be applied to various biocells. In addition, it is possible to apply it to experiments in the field of magnetic therapy.
   14-1-03.pdf (950.3K) [13] DATE : 2019-03-08 16:26:29