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발간년도 : [2019]

논문명(한글) [Vol.14, No.1] A Study on Design of Robust Remote User Authentication Scheme with Enhanced for Anonymity and Confidentiality
논문투고자 Kwang-Cheul Shin
논문내용 Until recently, a variety of biometric authentication schemes using smart cards have been proposed to enhance the security of remote authentication systems. Telecare medical information systems(TMIS) provides convenient health care services for user(patients) in order to save the patients' time and expense. Therefore, the system is important for secure mutual authentication between the user and the healthcare server, and sensitive medical information should not be exposed to third parties. In this paper, We analyzed the vulnerability of Lu et al.'s authentication protocol using elliptic curve encryption. And We propose a scheme to improve this paper. Lu et al.'s scheme has developed a biometric and smart card-based remote authentication scheme that complements the vulnerability to user spoofing attacks in the Arshad et al.'s scheme. However, result of analysis of their schemes reveals the confidentiality of the user's anonymity and login message by eavesdropping on the login message. Therefore, it is vulnerable to legitimate spoofing attacks of users and servers. In the proposed paper, we redesigned the security of server secret key and secret number. Therefore, we proposal suggests anonymity, confidentiality of messages, and a secure user authentication scheme for multiple attacks by legitimate users and servers. We will contribute to providing strong security and implementation efficiency when designing future authentication schemes.
   14-1-02.pdf (407.2K) [10] DATE : 2019-03-08 16:25:37