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발간년도 : [2018]

논문명(한글) [Vol.13, No.6] Improvement of Surface Wave Efficiency in Microstrip Antenna
논문투고자 Jae-Yeon Choi
논문내용 In order to improve the bandwidth and increase the antenna efficiency, it is proposed that the surface wave and the lateral wave excitation are reduced. The theoretical analysis of the common mode of the patch leads to the design procedure of the antenna, and the reduction of the surface wave and the side wave is confirmed by the simulation result using the software. In the design of microstrip patch antenna presented in this paper, the antenna losses are therefore contained by controlling those quality factors which can have significant impact on bandwidth for given permittivity and substrate thickness. The gain of bandwidth product is a constant, therefore an effort has been made to improve the bandwidth of the patch antenna while ensuring desired radiation pattern. The effect of cover layer on impedance matching, Q factor hence bandwidth and frequency correction is discussed. The electric field and magnetic field components of the TE wave and the TM wave were analyzed using boundary condition between two materials, and the surface impedance was obtained. A method has been proposed to reduce the diffraction and mutual coupling at the edge of the substrade. An electromagnetic bandgap model for surface wave reduction is proposed and the efficient etching method and bandgap cell model is also introduced.
   13-6-19.pdf (690.4K) [25] DATE : 2019-01-07 09:52:24