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발간년도 : [2018]

논문명(한글) [Vol.13, No.5] Estrus Detection System for Improving Productivity of Korean Native Cattle based on Internet of Things
논문투고자 Meong-hun Lee, Hyun Yoe
논문내용 The integration of IoT and livestock management, particularly the use of the Internet and networking technology in existing automation devices, to observe and quantify environmental and animal conditions without limits in time or space, is called smart livestock farming. In particular, the observation of estrus and timing of fertilization account for the greatest proportion of livestock breeding management. This paper proposes IoT-based system that provides service of estrus detection to the user based on the activity of korean native cattle. The proposed estrus detection system provides an alarm service to user by diagnosing and analysing the estrus state of korean native cattle through the characteristic of increasing activity compared to the korean native cattle of weak estrus. In this study, acceleration sensors were attached to livestock in a farms with poor prediction to measure livestock activity and to analyze the collected to data to enable rapid response in case of atypical symptoms, such as various diseases and estrus, in order to suggest a better system. Upon estrus, livestock movement increases above normal, while movement decreases in diseased livestock. Based on these characteristics, a livestock movement monitoring system was designed using an acceleration sensor. Also, we can calculate the expected delivery time and the next estrus through the implementation of database for estrus detection of livestock. The economic benefits and competitive advantages can be improved in livestock farmhouse by implementing the developed technology of livestock IoT convergence.
   13-5-08.pdf (3.8M) [13] DATE : 2018-11-03 14:57:09