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발간년도 : [2024]

논문명(한글) [Vol.19, No.1] An Analysis of the Pre-Service Teachers' Perception Types on Computer Teaching Methods in Korea Elementary Schools
논문투고자 Jaemu Lee
논문내용 This study is to explore the thoughts of pre-service teachers attending the teacher’s collage about computer education methods in elementary schools. The research categorizes and examines the types of pre-service teachers' perceptions and scrutinizes the attributes of each classification. The Q research methodology was applied to explore individual subjective perceptions. The QUANL 1.2 program was utilized for statistical analysis. The outcome of the research resulted in categorizing the perceptions type of pre-service teachers into the following five types. <Type 1> is ‘education appropriate for primary learners’, <Type 2> is ‘professional-oriented education of teachers’, <Type 3> is ‘integrated education with other subjects’, <Type 4> is ‘Self-directed education’, and <Type 5> is ‘education loyal to basic computer content’. <Type 1> places importance on education that children can easily comprehend and enjoy. They pursue education that takes into account the learner's level, <Type 2> believes in teaching through the expertise of a computer teacher. <Type 3> emphasizes on integrated education between various subjects including computer and other subject contents. <Type 4> finds it crucial to improve problem-solving skills, critical thinking skills, and affective education through self-directed learning. <Type 5> places importance on education that remains loyal to the basic contents of computers. and they think problem-solving education based on the basic principles and theoretical education is important.
   19-1-02.pdf (490.1K) [4] DATE : 2024-02-29 14:08:40