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발간년도 : [2006]

논문명(한글) [1권1호] Testing of Online Games Using Agents
논문투고자 Hun‐joo Lee, Kwang‐hyun Shim
논문내용 This paper describes an efficient method for testing online games using agents. Massively multi‐player online games and other multi‐user based networked applications are becoming more attractive to the gamer players. Such kind of technology has long been researched in the area called Networked Virtual Environments. In the game development process, a set of beta tests is used to ensure the stability of online game servers. A set of testing processes consumes a lot of development resources such as cost, time, and etc.  The purpose of the proposed system is to provide an automated beta test environment to the game developers to efficiently test the online games to reduce development resources.
   1-1-16.pdf (3.6M) [0] DATE : 2019-07-12 16:17:49