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발간년도 : [2019]

논문명(한글) [Vol.14, No.3] A Comparative Study Based on SVR for the Change of Strawberry Productions by the Variation of Nutrient Water Flow
논문투고자 A.B.M.Salman Rahman, Myeongbae Lee, Vasanth Ragu, Yongyun Cho, Jangwoo Park, Changsun Shin
논문내용 Strawberry is one of the most well-liked fruits all over the world, and strawberry productions is rapidly rising as one of the most healthy economies all over the world. Due to the high demand for strawberries, greenhouse strawberry cultivation is increasing rapidly and farmers are using different types of methods for greenhouse cultivation to get high productions. The aims of this study are to find out the high production rate of the strawberry based on nutrient solutions with water flow rate. Farmers use a different amount of water nutrient solutions for strawberry production but mostly they don’t know how much nutrient solutions with water flow is good for getting high production because of giving the high amount or less amount of nutrient solutions with water flow are always not good or bad for productions. Farmers have to know about the amount of nutrient solutions with water flow for getting good productions and now this is the high time to support farmers for increasing their strawberry productions by giving technological support. Therefore, in this study, we analyze the production rate of strawberries based on the nutrient solutions with water flow rate of strawberries in every bed. Finally, through the results and discussion by using the support vector regression model we find out that how much nutrient solutions with water flow should be needed to obtain high yielding of strawberries.
   14-3-08.pdf (1.7M) [20] DATE : 2019-07-07 10:11:11