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발간년도 : [2019]

논문명(한글) [Vol.14, No.3] Implement of Big Data Collecting System Based on Distributed Messaging(BDCS-DM) Using the Rasberry Pi
논문투고자 Sun-Young Heo
논문내용 Recently, as the Smart Factories become an issue, there is an active movement to construct CPS by collecting and analyzing PLC data at factories that already use pre-built systems such as MES, SCADA, and PLC. However, in order to read the PLC data from the pre-built MES middleware and transfer it to Hadoop, the pre-built MES middleware developer must input the labor, and it takes a lot of investment and time to collect various data from the PLC and store it in the big data storage. Due to these problems, SMEs have a lot of difficulties in making pre-built factories into smart factories. In this paper, we have designed and implemented Big Data Collecting System based on Distributed Messaging(BDCS-DM) that can read the PLC data transmitted through Modbus of pre-built MES system at low cost using Rasberry Pi board. Through simulation, we confirmed that data collection performance is improved by installing a Rasberry Pi board, and have come to the conclusion that three Rasberry Pi board can be added. Also, in order to guarantee the performance for PLC data collection per 1ms cycle, we could see that effective to transmit 10 points per 10ms cycle in the Ethernet environment. Implemented system is expected to be possible to apply on not only the smart factory but also any fields using Big Data and further researches will be made for possible application on other fields.
   14-3-05.pdf (1.5M) [20] DATE : 2019-07-07 10:08:46