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발간년도 : [2018]

논문명(한글) [Vol.13, No.6] The Simplified Ocean Wave Height Observation System Based on Location
논문투고자 Sanghyun Park, Yongpal Park, Dongjin Bae, Jinsul Kim, Jongsu Park
논문내용 In this paper, we propose a location-based simplified oceanographic surveying system. The simplified oceanographic observation system consists of a device for observing the ocean wave and a monitoring server for storing information based location. The simplified type of ocean wave surveying equipment is a small type, and it can be easily installed and deployed on ships and light buoys. Ocean wave observation equipment consists of a data logger, acceleration sensor, GPS and WCDMA module. The oceanic wave observation equipment operates at low power and physically cuts off power by using RTC when not observing. The power supply uses an external power source and can be used by attaching it to a ship or light buoy which is capable of using power at sea. The simple marine digger uses GPS to provide the ability to notify the date, time, and location to registered contact when a ship or light buoy is missing. We can also use a smartphone-based application to map the location of simplified marine peat observation devices. Therefore, it is possible to visit the equipment more quickly when leaving. Generally, large equipment, such as coastal wave buoy and weather buoy is mainly used to measure the crest, but the simple type ocean wave height observation equipment developed by us is small and can be easily installed in desired places. It is the most important factor in oceanographic observation and is proved through experiments that it is possible to measure the accurate wave height with the small type observation equipment developed in this paper. In addition, we can collect location information, wave-height and weather information, and corresponding dates through location based monitoring server.
   13-6-15.pdf (3.3M) [11] DATE : 2019-01-07 09:49:27