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발간년도 : [2019]

논문명(한글) [Vol.14, No.5] A Concept Mapping Analysis of the Effects of Mind-Subtraction Meditation, Using MDS(Multimensional Scaling) and HCA(Hierarchical Cluster Analysis) Techniques
논문투고자 Namin Shin
논문내용 This study conducted a concept mapping analysis in order to find out the effects of Mind-Subtraction Meditation practiced by 19 middle school students as part of a school-based meditation program. The program was carried out for 17 weeks, twice a week with each session lasting 45 minutes, under the guidance of two trained meditation teachers. For the purpose of the research, the six steps of concept mapping process proposed by Trochim were employed. Two rounds of data collection were carried out. First, the students were solicited to write about the effects of the Mind-Subtraction Meditation, and 61 statements were generated as a result of the first survey. Second, the students were asked to rate the importance of each statements generated by themselves while categorizing each statements. These data were analyzed by SPSS using Multimensional Scaling(MDS) technique. The MDS analysis showed a visual point in which each statement was located in two dimensional graph and Hierarchical Cluster Analysis(HCA) helped to determine the number of cluster of the statements. The HCA resulted in four clusters as the effects of Mind-Subtraction Meditation. The four clusters were labelled as the improvement of self-reflection(inner growth), of interpersonal relationships(friends, family), of attitude towards class(concentration, diligence) and of positive affect(diminishing stress and anger). The implications of the results were discussed along with the potential of the concept mapping as a research methodology useful in capturing subjective perceptions or phenomena in a systematic way.
   14-5-06.pdf (999.7K) [10] DATE : 2019-11-01 16:22:41