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발간년도 : [2019]

논문명(한글) [Vol.14, No.5] A study of the Oil Support System outcome influenced by Alterations of oil supply system and Oil supply Pump Performance improvements - Focusing on Army Mechanized troops
논문투고자 Se-Ho Lee, Kim Ryong, Kyung-Hye Park
논문내용 According to the Army basic plan related to Defence reform, the operational area of the future Army Corps will be expanded and some assigned combat equipment will be modified. Owing to those changes, the operational sustainment support plan would be influence by assigned equipment for future mechanized troops. Accordingly, it is vital to verify the future oil supply system which is one of the most important factor in the operational sustainment support. The purpose of this study is to investigate the change of tank lorry supply time and waiting time influence by the 10~200% improvement of oil supply pump and to suggest the target value of the oil supply pump performance. Judging by simulation result, 10,000 liter is suggested to tank lorry capacity of the tank battalion. 4,500 liter is of the field artillery battalion. it is derived from the modeling of the future mechanized battalion level. Second, oil release time is 44~75% of total supply time. So it can be posed that one of the most important factor in the oil supply time is the release performance of the oil pump. Simulating with the improved release performance of oil pump, it is significant up to 100%. But it is meaningless the range over 100%. Third, the total oil supply time is reduced by 10.4~24.5% point. In conclusion, it is proved that the oil supply system performance could be improved by reducing oil release time of tank lorry, vehicle waiting time and concurrent running time. All reducing time is due to the performance improvement of oil pump.
   14-5-04.pdf (2.3M) [4] DATE : 2019-11-01 16:21:14