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발간년도 : [2020]

논문명(한글) [Vol.15, No.4] Reliable Donation Service Using Ethereum Blockchain
논문투고자 Yonghu Kim, Ungki Baek, Yechan Jin, Ingyu Ham, Iksu Kim
논문내용 The existing donation system did not allow donors to know the donations used by donor organizations. As a solution, the method of storing donation details of donation organizations on the blockchain was introduced. This has the advantage of being unable to hide or modify the details, but there is no way to verify them if the donor organization intentionally manipulates them and stores them in the block chain. In this paper, we propose a reliable donation service using Ethereum Blockchain. Unlike the existing donation system, it helps to make reliable donations by storing immutable transaction details in the blockchain. Sellers selling goods, donors making donations, and social organizations using donations join one service to store all transactions in the blockchain. The transaction details associated with the donation are disclosed to all users and transaction ID is provided so that everyone can verify the transaction. The proposed service can prevent social organizations from the use of donations for their own interests because they have to purchase the goods using donations through the proposed service and provide them to the recipient. As a result, the proposed service can provide more transparency to donors and we can expect more donations from donors. We use the Ethereum platform and node.js server to implement the system.
   15-4-09.pdf (1.2M) [19] DATE : 2020-08-31 14:44:03