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발간년도 : [2020]

논문명(한글) [Vol.15, No.3] A Comparison of Temporal Variables Using Video Shooting on Normal Swallow and Effortful Swallow in Healthy Men
논문투고자 Young-Sik Won, Jong-Hoon-Moon
논문내용 This study aimed to compare the temporal variables during normal swallow and effortful swallow of healthy adult men through smartphone video recording. Ten healthy adult men participated in this study. The participants swallowed 5ml of water in a sitting position, and the video image was shot using a smartphone digital camera during swallowing. All participants performed the normal swallow and the effortful swallow, and The order of normal swallow and the effortful swallow was counterbalanced. The images of all swallowing were analyzed by trained assessors at 30 frames per second. The temporal variables were swallowing onset timing (SOT), laryngeal elevation time (LET), laryngeal elevation stay duration (LESD), and swallowing duration (SD). The collected data were analyzed by using the Paired t test to compare the temporal variables for the two swallowing. In the SOT, the effortful swallow was significantly longer than the normal swallow. The LET was not different between the two swallowing methods. The effortful swallow in the LESD was significantly longer than normal swallow. In the SD, The effortful swallow was significantly longer than the normal swallow. The results of this study suggest that temporal analysis using video images is a convenient method to measure the effortful swallow and the normal swallow.
   15-3-11.pdf (983.0K) [11] DATE : 2020-06-30 15:02:34