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발간년도 : [2020]

논문명(한글) [Vol.15, No.3] Effects of Mind Subtraction Meditation-Based Youth Camp on Self Control, Consideration-Communication, and Community Spirit Using a Paired-Difference Test
논문투고자 Mi Ra Yun, In-Soo Lee, Na-Yeon Ki, Yang-Gyeong Yoo
논문내용 The purpose of education is to enable individuals to fully demonstrate own intellectual, moral and emotional strengths in order to lead worthwhile life of living harmoniously within a community of people and nature. South Korea has one of the highest educational fervor in the world; and due to this, students’ academic achievement is top-rated among OECD nations. However, their social interaction, happiness index, regard for others as well as ability to work with others were all rated at bottom-levels as the true value of education had become de-emphasized. This study examined the effects of a Mind Subtraction Meditation youth camp on self control, consideration-communication and community spirit of participants. The camp consisted of a 7-day overnight stay program held at the J Youth Training Center in N-city. Study participants were 327 students comprised of 192 elementary and 135 middle school students who attended the camp. Data were collected via self-reported questionnaires and analyzed using a paired t-test with SPSS 24.0. The results showed that self control, consideration-communication, and community spirit among elementary and middle school students were significantly increased after participating in the camp. This was significant because the result demonstrated symmetrical enhancement effects of meditation-based youth camp on self control for proper self-development, as well as consideration-communication and community spirit which are necessary virtues as members of a society.
   15-3-10.pdf (1,021.6K) [9] DATE : 2020-06-30 15:01:08