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발간년도 : [2020]

논문명(한글) [Vol.15, No.3] Analysis on Impact of Violence Victimization on Discriminatory Behavior by Mediating Consciousness of Human Rights through Structure Equation Modeling
논문투고자 Young-Ki Kim
논문내용 The purpose of this study is to see level of discriminatory behavior to examine the effect of violence victimization on the discriminatory behavior and mediated effect of human rights consciousness. This study used the data of Korean Children Youth Human Rights Survey by National Youth Policy Institute. The results were as follows. First finding showed us that violence victimization of children and teenager is no lack. And parents has the largest number of perpetrator, followed by teachers, peers. Verbal violence happens more than physical. And they discriminate against peers by individual reasons as age, grades, gender, appearance than background reasons. Second finding showed that more violence victimization from parent and teacher, peer, the higher discriminatory behavior. Third finding showed that human rights consciousness only mediated the relationship between violence victimization from teachers, peers and discriminatory behavior. This study suggests as follows. First, we need to regularly and continuously provide parent-education program that parents are fully aware of dangerousness their verbal and physical violence on development of their child, Second, influence violence victimization from teachers, peers on discriminatory behavior can decrease as should all filled school and classroom with culture of human rights and by sharing desirable values. And education of human rights should consist of student activity centered than lecture centered.
   15-3-09.pdf (725.2K) [7] DATE : 2020-06-30 14:58:29