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발간년도 : [2021]

논문명(한글) [Vol.16, No.2] Applications of Blockchain in Business
논문투고자 MinGyu Jeon, Hyeong-Wook Byeon, Hyun-Gyu Lee, Hyeon-Suk Na
논문내용 Blockchain is a distributed ledger technology simplifying complex procedures and saving time and cost, while increasing reliability and transparency. Recently it has been attracting a lot of attention in trade and distribution, where multiple entities need to verify the authenticity of books or documents through government, banks, and lawyers at each stage. However, due to the low level of industrial maturity and the legal and social uncertainty, adopting blockchain technology is considered to be risky. This study investigates in eight business sectors which key features of blockchains to focus on, which blockchain model is appropriate and what are typical use cases. First we classify the utility of blockchains into four key features: decentralization, transparency, smart contract and speed, and divide the degree of importance of each key feature from Level 1 to Level 4. We then review the characteristics of services in four areas of financial sector: payment․remittance, investment, trade, loan, and in four areas of non-financial sector: identity management, logistics․distribution, IoT, game․SNS. According to those characteristics, key features of blockchains to be focused on and appropriate blockchain models are proposed. The most representative projects are also introduced. The result of this study will provide a reference-guide for managers or developers who are interested in developing blockchain-based services.
   16-2-06.pdf (381.7K) [26] DATE : 2021-05-04 10:45:28