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발간년도 : [2021]

논문명(한글) [Vol.16, No.1] Development of A Model for 'Understanding of Popular Music' Curriculum Using AHP Technique
논문투고자 Woo-Young Song
논문내용 In the 21st century in which we live, as a knowledge-based society, we consider the role of university education to create and transmit new knowledge and information more importantly. In particular, liberal arts education at universities plays an important role in helping students acquire universal knowledge, cultivate character, and grow into exemplary social members by learning the whole person education. In the liberal arts education of universities, the fact that students learn 'understanding of popular music' is to help them grow into people of the world and culture by activating the sensibility of learners and enabling creative thinking by understanding the artistic value of various popular music works and popular musicians. Plays a role. This study conducted AHP analysis by conducting an expert questionnaire to develop a liberal arts subject model for “Understanding Popular Music” through a survey of popular music-related subjects established by each university and various literature studies. According to the results of the analysis, the importance of the top and top items were derived, and a curriculum model for the 15 weeks of 'Understanding Popular Music' was presented. The proposed model of understanding curriculum of popular music can serve as a standard in the composition of the curriculum for professors in related subjects, and is expected to be helpful in establishing a curriculum for understanding popular music in each university. It is believed that continuous research and development of popular music related subjects will be needed in the future.
   16-1-22.pdf (569.6K) [30] DATE : 2021-03-02 20:17:16