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발간년도 : [2021]

논문명(한글) [Vol.16, No.1] Research on Awareness and Expertise of Childcare Teachers Through Daycare center Evaluation System
논문투고자 Jung-Eun Lim, Youn-Mi Jeong
논문내용 This research is about childcare teachers’ opinion about Daycare Assessment System . which is recently started and examining a overall awareness which is related to new evaluation system. The followings are questions that set to accomplish the object. First, What is the difference between awareness in expertise and awareness in evaluation system according to childcare teacher’s general background variables. Second, What is the relationship between childcare teachers’ evaluation system and expertise development. Third, What is the effect of expertise development by awareness in childcare teachers’ evaluation system. The followings are the results. Awareness in evaluation system through general background variable shows significant differences in age, career, educational background and the number of participation in evaluation system. And expertise differences through general background variable were appeared in career, educational background, major and the number of participation in evaluation system. Also, the relationship between childcare teachers’ awareness in evaluation system and expertise development show that, statistically, positive relationship were appeared in every subcategories.
   16-1-20.pdf (981.9K) [15] DATE : 2021-03-02 13:19:15