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발간년도 : [2021]

논문명(한글) [Vol.16, No.1] Development of Educational Learning Tool Combining Interface Applications and AI Subjects
논문투고자 Su-Chul Hwang
논문내용 The core of the 4th industrial era is AI technology based on IT technology and IT convergence technology that applies it to other fields. Semiconductor post-processing equipment manufacturers based on these technologies require talented people who can develop equipment using by C++ or C# in the Visual Studio environment of Microsoft. University education requires a curriculum and appropriate learning tools to respond to these needs. So, in the thesis, a learning tool was presented that allows IT majors to learn both AI optimization algorithms and Visual C# based hardware interface control technology. The educational learning tool consists of a target board module and an AI optimization algorithm module. The target board module includes the target board, the peripheral device, and the firmware that controls the device by receiving control commands from C# and how to use basic commands. And the algorithm module consists of basic knowledge of algorithm, application problem and solution program. To use this tool, the learner performs a three-step task. (1) Acquire basic knowledge about the optimization algorithm, (2) analyze the source program that solves the application problem and check the execution result, and (3) review the output effect by applying the output device of the target board to the application program. If the learning tools presented in this paper are used in the university's curriculum, it is expected that AI optimization algorithms and interface application knowledge can be cultivated, and it will be very beneficial for employment in the field of equipment control.
   16-1-07.pdf (3.5M) [5] DATE : 2021-03-02 13:11:50