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발간년도 : [2020]

논문명(한글) [Vol.15, No.6] A Comparison of Freshmen’s Perceptions of Engaging Non-face-to-face Online Education
논문투고자 Song-Suk Oh, Hyun-Yong Jung
논문내용 This paper puts in-depth study on the investigation the status of online education of freshmen during the first semester of 2020 among four-year universities and two-year colleges. It also compares the perceptions of freshmen by universities to provide data in terms of identifying problems from online courses and to improve them. In this study, the classes ranked highest satisfaction from freshmen were real-time video classes and LMS-recorded lectures. Whereas, the classes with the lowest satisfaction level were with submitting assignments. Online education satisfaction reveals that the average of learner factors was 3.20 to 3.63, the instructor factors with 3.11 to 3.55, the system factor with 2.60 to 3.16 and contents factors with 3.23 to 3.57 which were higher in freshmen from 4-year universities than those who from 2-year colleges. The results of this study suggest that the average of perception for online education was 3.25, test and evaluation with 2.85, satisfaction with online courses with 3.02, and the need for improvement in online education was 3.43. The greatest advantage of online education is that there is no bound to physical class session. It allows students to attend the classes from any location and any time of their choice. However its disadvantage is that it is less effective in delivering educational contents compared to face-to-face classes. These results suggest that universities and colleges need to make great efforts to expand infrastructure for online learning, to implement a system providing content production and interaction similar to face-to-face classes, and to have fair and comprehensive evaluations.
   15-6-21.pdf (568.4K) [42] DATE : 2021-01-01 18:20:05