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발간년도 : [2020]

논문명(한글) [Vol.15, No.6] Study on the Physicochemical and Benzo[a]pyrene in High Temperature Treated Black Garlic
논문투고자 Guk-joung Yoon
논문내용 In this study, black garlic was produced by treated high temperature(110, 120 and 130℃) and treat time(6, 12, 24 and 48hr.) conditions. Then, the physicochemical activity as total polyphenol, total flavonoid, reduction sugar, and nitrite scavenging activity content of it extract were compared fresh garlic extract. Total polyphenol, total flavonoid, reduction sugar and nitrite scavenging activity content have a top position within increasing treated temperature and time. Highest total polyphenol content was 9.97㎎/g at 130℃ and 12hr. about 4.4times higher then fresh garlic. Highest total flavonoid content was 2.78㎎/g at 130℃ and 12hr. about 36times higher then fresh garlic. Highest reduction sugar content was 39.53㎎/g at 110℃ and 24hr. about 4times higher then fresh garlic. As a result of investigating the statistical significance of the variables of treatment temperature and treatment time, it was found that treatment temperature had more influence than treatment time. As the treatment temperature and treatment time increased, the active ingredient decreased. The decrease in active ingredients was suspected of being converted to poly aromatic hydrocarbons. As aresult of examining the content of benzo[a]pyrene, it was not detected.
   15-6-17.pdf (315.5K) [10] DATE : 2021-01-01 18:15:44