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발간년도 : [2020]

논문명(한글) [Vol.15, No.5] Context-Based Adaptive Personalization Service Method
논문투고자 Hyokyung Chang
논문내용 The current environment is moving toward ubiquitous computing, and among the factors that promote the acceleration of such environmental change, various mobile devices with excellent performance and IoT technology, which is the topic of the 4th industrial revolution, are included. The development of various mobile devices and capabilities and the improvement of mobile network infrastructure have made the exchange and sharing of information and resources using mobile devices more active. Mobile cloud services, which combine cloud computing technology with existing mobile services are supporting various services provided through mobile devices and other cloud services. However, most of the existing personalization services are web-based desktop environment services, they are not very suitable for mobile devices. That is why new method for personalization service is required in order to provide to each user by searching for various services and information scattered in the network in consideration of the user's context and user's personal preference in the mobile cloud environment. New framework is required to support services that provide web resources through the cloud. This paper suggested a method for context-based adaptive personalization service is developed to provide more suitable and efficient services in consideration of the user's context and profile in accordance with the user's demands that change according to the context using the user's context information and profile.
   15-5-27.pdf (322.1K) [13] DATE : 2020-11-04 20:51:12