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발간년도 : [2020]

논문명(한글) [Vol.15, No.5] The Effects of Multi-Sensory Stimulation on Swallowing Function in Stroke Patients with Dysphagia
논문투고자 Young-Sik Won, Jong-Hoon-Moon, Hee-Su Park
논문내용 The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of multi-sensory stimulation on swallowing function in stroke patient with dysphagia. Twenty stroke patients with dysphagia participated in this study. Among 20 stroke patients with dysphagia, the 10 patients who have multi-sensory stimulation at the same time were in a experimental group and the other 10 patients who have traditional dysphagia rehabilitation were in a control group. Both groups were randomly assigned. The experimental group received for 4 weeks, for multi-sensory stimulation, visual-auditory stimulation and BPO olfactory stimulation were supplied with traditional dysphagia rehabilitation. For the control group, only traditional dysphagia rehabilitation received. Before and after invention, Videofluoroscopic Swallowing (VFS) was conducted. After that, the data on the test of Functional Dysphagia Scale (FDS), penetration-aspiration scale (PAS), American Speech-Language-Hearing Association National Outcome Measurement System (ASHA NOMS), Olfactory Identification Test was collected. There were significant differences between the data of FDS, PAS, ASHA NOMS before and after invention in the experimental group (p<.05). For the control group, there were significant differences in FDS (p<.05). For change score comparisons between groups, there was greater significant differences in FDS of the experimental group than control group (p<.05). It is confirmed that multi-sensory stimulation has an positive effect on swallowing function in stroke patients with dysphagia.
   15-5-23.pdf (284.8K) [8] DATE : 2020-11-04 20:44:10