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발간년도 : [2020]

논문명(한글) [Vol.15, No.5] The Effects of Contents Quality Factors on Academic Persistence in Online Education Responding to COVID-19: Focused on the Mediating Learning Flow and Satisfaction
논문투고자 Young-Ju Hur
논문내용 The purpose of this study was to identify the level of academic persistence and to investigate the effects of content quality factors on academic persistence, and the mediating effect of learning flow, learning satisfaction between content quality factors and academic persistence in online education on 1st semester of 2020 responding to COVID-19. The survey was conducted to the students who were taking online education on 1st semester of 2020 in offered by N University in Chungnam, and 665 cases were analyzed for this study. Data was analyzed structure equation modeling and the mediating effect was verified by Sobel test. The results of this study were as follows. First, service quality factor among content quality factors had one of the biggest direct impacts, information quality factor did not affect, system quality factor had on of negative direct impacts on academic persistence. Second, learning flow and learning satisfaction positively mediated content quality factors and academic persistence. In other words, learning flow has influenced positively on learning satisfaction, learning satisfaction has influenced positivelty on academic persistence. Based on these findings, the following suggestions were made. First, professor should focus on increasing the quality of service quality as guide of learning activities, sharing of teaching materials, inspire to further efforts, immediate feedback for effective online education on second semester. Second, students should have enough self-directed learning capability for flow on learning. And university should be provided training contents dealing with communication strategy for professors, motivational strategy and self-directed learning method for students.
   15-5-19.pdf (363.1K) [6] DATE : 2020-11-04 20:34:57