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발간년도 : [2020]

논문명(한글) [Vol.15, No.5] Construction of a Mobile Application for Health Management in Korean Medicine
논문투고자 Sang-Kyun Kim, Seungho Lee, Taehong Kim, SangHun Lee
논문내용 This study aims to design and implement a mobile app for health management in Korean medicine. So far, many wearable devices and mobile apps for personal health care have been released. However, there are few mobile apps that manage users’ health based on the knowledge of Korean medicine. Our mobile app in this paper provides the functions such as medical checkup, sasang constitution test, life log record, and Korean medicine knowledge search. Currently, it is being used to input health checkup questionnaires conducted at the Korean medicine medical checkup centers and receive the results. Users also can perform a simplified sasang constitution test with body and questionnaire information in the mobile app. Like general wearable devices, it records and manages daily, weekly, and monthly activity and sleep information. In addition, it helps personal health by allowing users to search for the knowledge of Korean medicine by constitutions and diseases. In the future, we plan to conduct research on adding and improving functions of our mobile app. By linking with the Korean medicine PHR system, it is planned to supplement the personal health record function based on the Korean medicine. In particular, it will be possible to improve the quality of medical care by using daily personal health information with hospital clinical information through linking with hospital electronic medical records or charts.
   15-5-18.pdf (445.6K) [12] DATE : 2020-11-04 20:33:01