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발간년도 : [2021]

논문명(한글) [Vol.16, No.5] Individual Differences in Neural Processing of Rest Frames During Virtual Reality Navigation
논문투고자 Eunhee Chang, Hyun Taek Kim
논문내용 Virtual Reality (VR) users can experience an uncomfortable body state known as cybersickness. Previous studies have attempted to reduce cybersickness by adding fixed grids called rest frames. Due to the inconsistent rest frame effect on cybersickness, we aimed to demonstrate whether the additional fixed grids can alleviate the discomfort. Also, we investigated individual differences in processing rest frames using the participants’ brain waves. Eighteen undergraduate students experienced both two types of 3D navigation; rest frame (RF) and no-rest frame (No-RF) condition. While the RF condition included stationary grids in the VR content, No-RF condition provided the original content. After each experience, participants were required to report their level of discomfort using a Simulator Sickness Questionnaire (SSQ). The result of the paired t-test indicated the grids did not significantly reduce the SSQ score. For further analysis, we divided the participants into an Effective (n=8) or Ineffective group (n=10) based on the SSQ score of each condition. Individuals in the Effective group showed a lower level of cybersickness and that of fronto-central theta power in the RF condition compared to the No-RF condition. However, the Ineffective group showed increased cybersickness in the RF condition, and no differences were found between the conditions in terms of brain waves. These findings suggest that additional rest frames can only be helpful to certain types of users. In particular, changes in theta oscillation at the fronto-central area might be related to the individual difference in neural processing of rest frames.
   16-5-06.pdf (1.6M) [5] DATE : 2021-11-17 15:08:36