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발간년도 : [2023]

논문명(한글) [Vol.18, No.2] Analysis of Fire Factors Affecting Human and Property Damages Using One-Hot Encoding Technique in House Fires
논문투고자 Weonil Jeong
논문내용 Recently, the risk of fire occurrence is increasing due to potential factors in houses according to the complexation and high-rise of the structure. According to the statistical yearbook of National Fire Agency, residential fires have increased by 1.6% per year on average over the past 10 years. In addition, social losses are also increasing, such as the annual average increase of 1.6% in human damage and 2.4% in property damage due to house fires. In order to minimize social damage using big data technology, previous researches on various fire factor analysis have been conducted. In this paper, unlike previous big data-based researches that used numerical data such as distance, time, and area, discretized columns with categorical values were used for big data analysis to increase the accuracy of damage prediction. In this paper, we analyze the effects of categorical fire factors that affect human and property damage in residential fires. In our paper, one-hot encoding technique was applied to discretize categorical columns such as ignition heat source, ignition factor, initial ignition material, ignition related device, power source, ignition point, and combustion expansion product in the fire data of National Fire Agency. Encoded fire factors were selected to be used in the analysis of importance on human and property damage through significance probability and correlation analysis process. Subsequently, the impact prediction model was created and verified using the random forest algorithm, and the importance of fire factors was analyzed. In the test results, the main fire factors that showed common importance in human life and property damage were analyzed as sparks, carelessness, paper wood hay, hazardous materials, and gas. Also, fire factors appeared to have a higher impact on human than property damage.
   18-2-07.pdf (516.8K) [1] DATE : 2023-05-04 16:10:41